10 Movies Every Lesbian Should See
Film, books and TV shows are dominated by heterosexual romance. Sometimes it almost seems impossible to find something that you can relate to even with more and more media picking up and finally accepting gay marriage. If you’re in a rut here’s a list featuring some of our favorite movies to cuddle up to your girlfriend with… or really for anybody to watch and enjoy.

Water Lilies (2006)
First thing I’m going to say about this. It’s on Netflix. Everybody loves Netflix. If you want to watch this you don’t have to worry about waiting for it to illegally download (kidding… kind of) or sort through whatever film store picked up in your area when Blockbuster went bankrupt.
This film follows a trio of 15 year old girls in Paris. They swim together and grow up together learning to explore sex and sexuality in the process. Think along the lines of The Ice Palace by Tarjei Vesaas; different story, different ages, same theme.

But I’m a Cheerleader (1999)
You’ve probably already seen this but it’s too funny not to include. One name, RuPaul, you want to see it now, don’t you ? This movie focuses on a cheerleader who gets sent to a camp by her parents who believe she is a lesbian . The camp is supposed to train her to be straight. Even if you mute the whole movie the bright colors and wicked cinematography will be enough to keep you watching.

Boys Don’t Cry (1999)
It seems 1999 was a good year for these movies. This one is definitely not as light hearted as But I’m a Cheerleader. It’s a drama. The story follows a seemingly straight couple that falls in love, but we learn there is more to the relationship than that (no spoilers… hehehe). It also includes big name actors such as, Hilary Swank and Chloe Sevigny.

The Killing of Sister George (1964)
It was originally a play, so you know it’s good. This film never directly states that the characters are lesbians but it is most definitely speculated and a it’s a great film at that. Sister George plays a sugary sweet nurse on a popular radio show, though the actor in her real life, in the movie, (woo, inception!) is quite the opposite. When she finds out her character is to be killed off she goes mad.

Paris was a Woman (1996)
Ou la la ! Excuse my love for Paris. This documentary follows the history of lesbian icons (such as Gertrude Stein, literary goddess) who have found their life in Paris. It touches on art, history and music. It also includes actual interviews and footage with many of the icons. Watch it, you may learn something new.

Bound (1996)
C’mon 90’s films you’ve got it! In this film Thelma and Louise go gay. Pretty much anyway. It revolves around a lesbian couple, Corky and Violet, who create a plan to steal million of dollars and along the way they steal my heart. A crazy thriller involving the mob, robbery, crazy amounts of money and did I already mention a hot lesbian couple?

Pariah (2011)
We’re going a little hip with this one. This film premiered at Sundance and is more indie so it may be trickier to find. You’ll also need a lot of Kleenex. The story follows a seventeen year old girl going through the trials and tribulations of growing up and learning to accept herself as a lesbian with society and her family pushing against her. The word Pariah itself means an outcast.

Blue is the Warmest Color (2013)
A newer movie, French again, I don’t apologize. First off, one of the main character’s has blue hair, we all love Clementine and tumblr, right ? The movie was based on a French graphic novel with the same name. The story follows the life of a young girl, Adele, as she finds her sexuality, grows up and experiences heart break (you will too as you watch it.)

I Can’t Think Straight (2008)
I love the title, you get it? This movie is more lighthearted and revolves around the character Tala as she gets ready for her wedding to her fiancé Hani. Before the wedding she ends up having an affair with another woman named Leyla. She is then torn between how she feels and how she should be according to her culture and family. No worries though, it’s not a super dark, tormenting movie.

Itty Bitty Titty committee (2007)
Ignore the ratings for this movie, it’s hilarious. A movie about a radical, feminist, lesbian group called Clits in Action. Tell me you don’t want to watch that. It’s a little bit serious, a little bit of a joke and a lot funny. CIA is a crazy group of activists and they want to get the word out. Plus, the director from this movie is the same one who did Because I am a Cheerleader.
So there you have it, winter is coming and it’s too cold to go outside. Grab your girlfriend, grab your snuggie, grab some pizza and sit down for an estrogen packed movie fest filled with tears of laughter and tears of heartbreak. Remember you can always add any of these movies as an interest to your GirlfriendsMeet profile and find others who have watched and loved them. Login, share your thoughts and comments and find a match who shares your same taste in movies.