Kids Say the Darnedest Things: Too often I laugh at what some of my nieces and nephews say, but most often their opinion makes logical sense. When a simplified answer comes out for a somewhat complicated adult issue, you wonder … Continue reading
Kids Say the Darnedest Things: Too often I laugh at what some of my nieces and nephews say, but most often their opinion makes logical sense. When a simplified answer comes out for a somewhat complicated adult issue, you wonder … Continue reading
Sapphire – was born Ramona Lofton on August 4, 1950 in Fort Ord, California. She wrote the novel “Push” and has been very open about being bisexual. Azealia Banks – also known as Miss Bank$ was born Azealia Amanda Banks on May 31, 1991 in Harlem, … Continue reading
I laughed when I saw this video about The Six Lesbians You’ll Date Before You Die and I just had to share it. I am sitting here thinking where do I fall into this list or what types of girls would … Continue reading
LGBT History Month is celebrated in October and is a month long observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history and gay rights. LGBT History Month was first celebrated in 1994 in the United States, founded by a high … Continue reading