It is definitely getting colder and darker outside sooner. I am finding myself curled up with a warm beverage, my trusty sidekick at my feet (too keep me warm) and a wool blanket with the remote in my hand. Exciting … Continue reading
It is definitely getting colder and darker outside sooner. I am finding myself curled up with a warm beverage, my trusty sidekick at my feet (too keep me warm) and a wool blanket with the remote in my hand. Exciting … Continue reading
This is a very unique concept created by Toronto Based Artist Deirdre Logue and Allyson Mitchell and is a group-guided performance that lasts about a half hour. It is meant to have a positive spin on queer-celebration, and be sex-positive and trans-inclusive all while … Continue reading
Ciara Princess Harris was born in Austin, Texas on October 25, 1985 . As an army brat she traveled around during her childhood with her family eventually landing in Atlanta, Georgia where she joined the girl group Hearsay. After the group broke … Continue reading
I have run into a grand total of two of my exes on dating sites – likely because I was so abysmally incompatible with the others that the dating site algorithms were like, “Dude, no.” Which is fine, since they … Continue reading
Lesbian Dating Problems Even though being a lesbian is becoming more accepted and there are more avenues for meeting girls we still all have to deal with some major lesbian problems. Buzzfeed knows exactly what we mean and we identify … Continue reading
Rain Dove: New York’s Androgynous Supermodel This week, androgynous and genderqueer model, Rain Dove is our pick for Woman Crush Wednesday. Her modelling career has really taken off and people sure have noticed! Her frame, 6’2″ height and striking features … Continue reading
It’s asexual awareness week and it’s important to bring the topic into the mainstream. Over the past few years asexuality has started to receive attention but it’s still generally a misunderstood topic. For this reason and more we raise awareness … Continue reading
Lately, more celebrities have been coming out or being open about their sexuality. We like this trend and we hope its pushing for more acceptance and equality for the LGBT community. Cara Delevigne has been out as gay for a while … Continue reading
Spirit Day 2015 Could you imagine a close friend or family member suffering for just being who they are? I have no tolerance for people who think it is OK to bully other people. If growing up isn’t hard enough. … Continue reading
Rachel Platten – Women Crush This beautiful and talented woman is an amazing singer! The first time I heard her song “Fight Song” I instantly fell in love. I have been struggling with some things in my personal life recently … Continue reading