Have you ever heard of “The Whisper Challenge”? So if you want to play the game here are the rules: 1. One person puts on headphone and turns up the music on their ipod or stereo. 2. The second person playing … Continue reading
Have you ever heard of “The Whisper Challenge”? So if you want to play the game here are the rules: 1. One person puts on headphone and turns up the music on their ipod or stereo. 2. The second person playing … Continue reading
Kids Say the Darnedest Things: Too often I laugh at what some of my nieces and nephews say, but most often their opinion makes logical sense. When a simplified answer comes out for a somewhat complicated adult issue, you wonder … Continue reading
Sapphire – was born Ramona Lofton on August 4, 1950 in Fort Ord, California. She wrote the novel “Push” and has been very open about being bisexual. Azealia Banks – also known as Miss Bank$ was born Azealia Amanda Banks on May 31, 1991 in Harlem, … Continue reading
I laughed when I saw this video about The Six Lesbians You’ll Date Before You Die and I just had to share it. I am sitting here thinking where do I fall into this list or what types of girls would … Continue reading
LGBT History Month is celebrated in October and is a month long observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history and gay rights. LGBT History Month was first celebrated in 1994 in the United States, founded by a high … Continue reading
Androgynous models are reinventing themselves as opposite sex to prolong their modeling career. These people are gorgeous as either men or women and androgyny has been around modeling for a long time. Female model passes as man to prolong career. Elliott Sailors … Continue reading
Vivian Boyack and Alice “Nonie” Dubes have been in a relationship together for more than seven decades and have never been married. Vivian is 81 years young and her partner Alice is 90 years young. The two of them met … Continue reading
No way!!! I have had a crush on this girl since forever. How did I not know she was bisexual? Fergie I love you! Ok, now that this is out of my system (well not really) here is a list … Continue reading
Lesbian Dating Tips ~ The most important thing about starting to date is are you ready to put yourself out there to meet new people? If you are kind of quiet and shy at times like me “putting yourself … Continue reading
Gender And Sexuality Guide Many people around the world stumble a bit when trying to understand or describe sexual orientation. There are a lot of misconceptions out there especially when it comes to the orientation of women. We attempt to … Continue reading