Let’s admit it, we all get caught up in the rosey goodness that is a potential new relationship. It’s easy to ignore certain… signs… that maybe we should we be more wary of. Below is a list of dating red-flags … Continue reading
Let’s admit it, we all get caught up in the rosey goodness that is a potential new relationship. It’s easy to ignore certain… signs… that maybe we should we be more wary of. Below is a list of dating red-flags … Continue reading
WHERE DEM GIRLS AT!? Well, for one, they’re here at GFM. Ok ok, the dating site scene might not be everyone’s cup of tea – so here I am, about to give you some other options you can choose from. … Continue reading
I honestly don’t remember my first queer crush, but what I do remember is noticing women who looked different and who I wanted to look like. I would watch how these women would act, talk, dress and find them so intriguing. … Continue reading
I can remember the first time I kissed a girl – I was so nervous. I liked this girl for over five years and didn’t ever want to ruin our friendship. We met when we were 14 and hung out … Continue reading
No one likes to deal with rejection. When it comes to lesbian dating, women often find themselves reluctant to even approach a girl to ask her out. What if she says no? What if you read her signals wrong? So … Continue reading
If anyone truly knows the incredible highs and staggering, depressing lows of dating, it’s me. I have never been particularly blessed with stunning good looks, and so I tend to rely on my sparkling personality to win people over and … Continue reading
Anyone can go to dinner and a movie. I’m not bashing the ol’ standby, but if you’re going to do that, at least see the movie first so you have something fun to talk about at dinner! Below I’ve listed my top … Continue reading
In every type of relationship you will each have your similarities and differences, and in a lesbian relationship it isn’t much different. From what to do on a Saturday night, to what each other wears, to not getting along with … Continue reading
In the world of lesbian dating, it’s not uncommon to find a match who is a distinctly different age. We see many prominent examples including Rachel Madow and her partner, Susan Mikula and previously with Sarah Paulson and her Ex, … Continue reading
The world is a big place. You’ll find people who pride themselves on being single while others you encounter feel like they just can’t make it alone. Time alone can give you time to reflect. It can often be a great time to … Continue reading