Happy Thanksgiving

happy-thanksgivingWe know going home for the holidays can be fun and stressful at the same time. You need the break from school / life in general and would like to hang out with some old friends and family. Sometimes your family can add unnecessary stress and pressure on you. Either way you are supper excited to change things up and see some old faces!

Things to do while your home:

1. Stay Home – Make sure you spend adequate time with your family. Before you go running off to hang out with your friends or off to the local bar. Your parents miss you.

2. Jammed Packed Schedule – Your schedule to visit all of your family seems more hectic and stressful than its worth. Set goals and priorities. You don’t want you aunt or you best friend to hear on Monday that you were in town and just drove by their house. Make sure to put a time limit on your visit. Tell them when you get there that someone is expecting you in an hour and stick to it.

3. The Call – My general rule is I always call before I stop by for a visit. Even if its only an hour ahead or 15 minutes. I always let them know I am coming just as a courtesy. During the holidays it is a given that you will get visitors. So don’t worry about the courtesy call – just stop by. Whoever you are going to visit they will be glad to see you!

4. Show up – So you hear there is a huge party at someones house or at a local venue hall and you weren’t invited. So what! Show up. You will bump into someone you know and who knows the night might be one that you never forget.

5. After Desert – You may be traveling home for the holidays and will probably not be cooking anything. Make sure you do your part. The whole day can be long and exhausting for the people who prepare the meal. Volunteer to clean up after desert. If you need help rally others to do the same to make the time go by faster. In my household the cleanup after dinner is usually the most fun, creating great memories. Everyone is happy with bellies full of food and and a few drinks in them. We just laugh, have fun take pictures and the time flies by.

Just remember to be thankful for the opportunity to enjoy a meal with your loved ones.

Enjoy the ladies of Saturday Night Live rapping about coming home for Thanksgiving and living the good life, starring Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong, Sasheer Zamata, Vanessa Bayer, Leslie Jones, Cameron Diaz and Lil’ Baby Aidy Bryant.
