Lauren Morelli dating “OITNB” actress Samira Wiley

‘Orange Is the New Black’ writer Lauren Morelli and split amicably and filed for divorce, and starts dating actress Samira Wiley.

Lauren Morelli was married to her husband Steve Basilone for two years. She loved her husband more than anything but she considered herself not a very sexual person, reading a book instead of wanting to having sex. She had come to her own realization that this was a perfectly reasonable preference to have.

While she was writing for the hit TV show Orange is the New Black she realized she was attracted to women back in the fall of 2012, on one of the first days she was on the set. Lauren states that she fell in love with a woman on the show, and watched her life play out on screen. She officially opened up about her sexuality while writing an essay for Identities.Mic in May of 2014.

Since then Lauren Morelli and Samira Wiley vacationed together in March on a trip to Mexico and went to the Emmys together in August. You can see more of Lauren on her Instagram page @lomorelli

Lauren Morelli dating “OITNB” actress Samira Wiley:




