Our friends over at Bustle recently released a video entitled ‘What Is LGBTQA+?’ Hopefully, we all at least know what the first four letters mean – but what about the last ones? And what’s that funny plus symbol for? As … Continue reading
Our friends over at Bustle recently released a video entitled ‘What Is LGBTQA+?’ Hopefully, we all at least know what the first four letters mean – but what about the last ones? And what’s that funny plus symbol for? As … Continue reading
These days there is a subtle difference between Miley Cyrus from her Hanna Montana days and her modern image. Wait did I say subtle? I meant to say incredible! Unless you’ve been living under the sea for the past few years you … Continue reading
LGBT Spectrum Everyone is different and may fall anywhere on the spectrum. Some people may identify themselves as one way for their entire lives where other may shift their identity as it evolves over time. The great thing about people … Continue reading