• Alexandra2989

  • 35, Single, Lesbian Montclair, New Jersey
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians
  • Ages 18-36
  • For friendship, long term, dating, casual hookups

My Story

Hi ! I'm a hair dresser and I love my job.. No seriously I'm passionate in what I do :) I really do enjoy being outdoors, Eating food, being active ( even though I can be slight lazy at times) but I have to end there because ... well I have to keep some of my secrets otherwise I'll lose my air of mystery.

Ideal Match

A girl who is open in public, to her self, and her family. I just want her to feel comfortable and be happy. A girl who isn't afraid to not order a salad and get something little more risky. I like a girl who's pushy to keep me on my toes in life. Oh and has to love Starbucks.... Or coffee at least... Lol

Profile Details

Identify As
Lipstick Lesbian
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