• Aprillee43

  • 54, Single, Lesbian Keansburg, New Jersey
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


Aprillee43 has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious
  • Ages 37-47
  • For long term

My Story

Hello my name is April. I am new to this. I have two grown children only one is still at home. I am looking for the real thing not someone who plays games and is just looking for some BS. If that's you, please keep it moving. I love women I just think they are so damn sexy. I have only been in two real relationships my whole life and was hurt both time. I am the most honest and loyal person I know and it certainly has been taking advantage of. I am looking for someone that I can have fun and laugh with. Someone to protect me and feel safe with. If this is you hit me up. am not looking to have more kids or take care of any and please don't live far far away. I am not looking for a long distant relationship.

Ideal Match

Someone who is funny and can make me laugh. I love sexy boy looking females.

Profile Details

Body Type
Big and Tall
Hair Color
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Not Political

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