• ChefBlaze

  • 47, Other, Lesbian Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


ChefBlaze has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians
  • Ages 32-45
  • For friendship

My Story

my name is khia. My friends call me Blaze. My clients call me Chef Blaze!

I am 40 years young and i have a 20 year old son who is a college junior. 2 sister, 7 nieces and nephews.

Live in the Overbrook section of Philly (for now!), and am the Owner, Operator, and Chef of Blazin' Soul Food Catering!

My focus is on my family and my passion for delivering mouth watering cuisine to the masses!

Ideal Match

Let me start off by saying, i am looking for friendship only! I believe in developing a true friendship with the person i talk to or date.

So please DON'T send me any naked photos or try to have phone sex the first time we speak...

Even though Im focused on my career, I still need to have down time! I want to meet like minded individuals who have a passion for something and are either in pursuit of or has already achieved that goal! Persons who are also well rounded, like to travel, level headed, know how to handle their own business, independent, always keeps it real, honest, open minded, and sexy as hell on the inside which reflects on the outside!

I am a lover of women. Meaning i dont discriminate! If i have to give labels for a better u derstanding... i am S4S (stud for stud) AND S4F (stud for femme). I have been in monogamous relationships, open relationships, as well as polyamorous relationships.

Profile Details

Identify As
Soft Butch, Butch, Stud
Body Type
Hair Color
5'8" (173cm)
Eye Color
Yes, live elsewhere

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