• DaliaBlue

  • 51, Other, Bisexual Lincoln Park, New Jersey
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Bisexuals, Bicurious, Pansexuals
  • Ages 37-49
  • For friendship, casual hookups

My Story

In need of the special friend ship only a woman can offer. Looking for some fun, energetic, silly friendships. With the possibility of being discretely very naughty together. Coffee, laughs, shopping, art are a few of my interests.

Ideal Match

She would be married or in a committed relationship without the desire to intertwine the two. She would be my partner in crime. Laughing non stop in public, being outrageously silly, sarcastic and having a blast together. She would be very open minded and have positive vibes.

Profile Details

Identify As
Lipstick Lesbian
Body Type
Hair Color
5'5" (165cm)
Eye Color
Yes, live with me

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