• DaniGrrl82

  • 41, Married, Bisexual Bloomingdale, New Jersey
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious
  • Ages 25-45
  • For friendship, dating, casual hookups

My Story

I am a 31 year old married bisexual woman that is out and open about her sexuality, and always has been. I work with animals and they are a passion of mine so anyone that spends any time with me should like them too. I am not your average chick, and if you don't dig unusual, quirky, or sarcastic girls, I'm not for you. I have a dry sense of humor and I am very opinionated about most topics. I'm a big reader and I love to talk about books, especially historical fiction, biographies, and social commentaries. I also enjoy classic films, beer, video games, hiking, camping, and anything outdoors. I get pretty rough and dirty at work, and I'm strong for a small girl, but at home and when I go out I like to be feminine and girly. I have a curvy figure; I'm definitely not a stick but I'm very happy with my appearance. I'm healthy and active and I enjoy Zumba and yoga for exercise. I don't have any piercings other than the six holes in my ears, but I have one tattoo on my upper back. I like to

Ideal Match

I'm not looking for a committed relationship or men (AT ALL, PERIOD, NO MEN.. SERIOUSLY) as I'm happily married, but I would love to meet a girl that's looking for a good friend, someone to hang out with, talk to/text with whenever we feel like it, get our nails done or check out a yoga class, go out on weekend nights to pubs/restaurants/concerts, or just come over my house and hang out in the hot tub under the stars with a bottle of wine and good conversation. I've been with women before but it's been awhile, and I'm looking for a friend that wouldn't mind getting silly after some wine or drinks and having fun together, if the attraction is there. The most important thing to me is an intellectual attraction, if you don't read at all or have opinions about the world and what goes on it then we won't get along.

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