• GabbyGirl92

  • 31, Single, Lesbian Fort Lee, New Jersey
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


GabbyGirl92 has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious
  • Ages 18-23
  • For friendship, dating

My Story

I'm 20 years old and go to St. John's University. I'm a senior studying legal studies hoping to one day be an Entertainment Lawyer. Music and movies are my life, they are one of the only things that make me happy. I am very close to my family and friends and hold a life long bond with the sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon. I have a bit of an attitude problem and I'm very sarcastic so if you're not into that you and I can probably not be friends. I just want to find someone that is going to make me smile and laugh. I'm not to crazy on the party scene so hanging out and chilling at home is probably the best way to go with me. If you want to know more just let me know.

Ideal Match

My ideal match is someone who can make me smile even when I'm mad. I'm not entirely hard to please I just want to find someone that will spend time with me and take the time out for me cause I will do the same.

Profile Details

Body Type
Big and Tall
Hair Color
Eye Color
Not Political

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