• HippieLesbo

  • 35, Divorced, Lesbian Norfolk, Virginia
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious
  • Ages 18-36
  • For friendship, dating, casual hookups

My Story

Hello ... nice to meet everyone ... I'm new to the area .. fresh out my divorce... I was literally trap for four long years ... now I'm ready to explore things ...go different places ... and meet new ppl ... if you ask i will answer and keep it real with you ... if you ever want to meet up .. you can always find me by a beach or chilling in a gay bar having a good time ... So please don't be afraid I do not bite .. ;) lolololol Can't wait To hear from you beautiful ladies ....

Ideal Match

My ideal match would be .. 6'1 all legs a fit waist ... with the girls to match ... ;) blonde hair ... blue eyes ....lmao ... who am I kidding ... lol it sound amazing though .... lipstick kinda girl .. a submissive ..intelligent, active, open minded ... confident in herself ... independent .. hard worker ... has to have some personality and sense of humor is a must ... sensitivity, territory.. basically being able to depend & own up to what is YOURS .... jealous in A Nick Jonas type of way ... lol .. I'm not sure if I missed anything ... other than BE YOURSELF ... and SMILE life is too short! ! !

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