• Indygo_

  • 29, Single, Lesbian Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


Indygo_ has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious
  • Ages 18-26
  • For friendship, long term, dating

My Story

My name is Indy. I'm young but i have a mature mind set. I don't usually go for women my age because I like someone that has goals and is working toward them. I'm jamaican and white. I'm pretty quirky and fun. I love to laugh. I'm big and i love every curve in my body. I'll do just about anything to make some one smile. I love to spoil whoever im with. Not the cutest thing walkin but I'm a sweet heart id say.

Not perfect and would never want to be. I fear rejection. I'm very mysterious. I dont believe in open relationships. I love children. If you have children that is fine with me. Cooking and eating are my passions. I had someone break my heart after a year and a half just two months ago so im taking it one day at a time. But i dont have trust issues no reason to not trust someone unless they give me a reason.

Hmm thats about it. If you have any questions just ask :)

Ideal Match

A girl that knows how to have fun and isnt always so serious. And someone that accepts me for who i am. And will let me love them.

Profile Details

Body Type
Big and Tall
Hair Color
Eye Color
Not Political

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