• Latinagoddess69

  • 30, Single, Bisexual Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


Latinagoddess69 has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Bisexuals
  • Ages 18-31
  • For casual hookups

My Story

Just an outgoing spontaneous girl looking for some fun when I am bored. I do have a boyfriend & no he does not know. I actually want to hook up so I can come to you if you are not too far. I am very freaky & sexual. Yes I am a real person lol I can FaceTime or whatever to confirm. Send me a message let's get to talking, I'm ready.

Profile Details

Identify As
Lipstick Lesbian
Body Type
Hair Color
5'3" (160cm)
Eye Color

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