• LookingForHer

  • 30, Single, Pansexual Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious, Pansexuals
  • Ages 18-30
  • For long term, dating

My Story

Well my name is Amanda but you can call me mandi or maddie... I am only 4'11... I am a sweetheart.. I try to respect everyone but I seem to not get it in return.. I am a big girl. If you do not like big girls please don't message me to insult me.. Umm I'm not picky(: age is just a number.. But if ur under 18 do not message me... I enjoy riding around.. An muddin an fishin.. I'm not girly.. I do not have a license or a job atm!!! But I am trying!!!!

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