• MelanieR33

  • 37, Single, Lesbian Coatesville, Pennsylvania
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


MelanieR33 has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians
  • Ages 30-43
  • For long term, dating

My Story

I'm a really laid back check with a good sense of humor who likes to have fun in the sun and the feet in the sand. I love to travel. I'm a chef and a certified massage therapist. I own my own motorcycle so I love the ride. I love mostly all types of music. I like to go to the beach several times a year. I can kick back around the fire and food off the grill with a nice cold beverage. I'm just looking for somebody who has the same qualities integrity and most of all loyalty as I do. Send a message. What's the worst that could happen you could be stuck with me as a friend LOL

Profile Details

Identify As
Chapstick Lesbian
Body Type
5'6" (168cm)
Eye Color

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