• Mischa1822

  • 31, Single, Lesbian Manassas, Virginia
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bicurious
  • Ages 18-28
  • For friendship, dating

My Story

My name is Mischa Rusavok and I am from Tarusa Russia and have been moving back and forth from the US. I have been kickboxing since I was three and am very athletic love soccer, hockey, football. I love music and going out on adventures as well as just to be in outdoors. I have a Russian accent so give me awhile to pronounce certain words. I like to go out and have fun and be with friends! I have eight brothers and am the only girl, but most my family's back in Russia. I am from the country and love to horse back ride so to get to know me better take me on a long horse back ride or hiking in the mountains or woods. Love all kinds of movies but mostly horror. I love being scared and surprises and dancing! Come dream with me to night and go on an adventure!

Ideal Match

Someone who loves nature and will go out and play soccer with me in the rain or go hiking. Some one I can really sit down and have a long conversation with. A cuddle buddy next to a warm toasty fire with a glass of wine or a beer and ju enjoy a nice quite night together :) some one come be my little spoon

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