• NadiraB96

  • 34, Single, Lesbian Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians
  • Ages 25-35
  • For long term, dating

My Story

My story is very simple. Lately I've been having just flings every now and then. Feels like it's hard to find someone who wants to start a life together, everybody wanna be "the man" or shall I say Woman lol. I'm very simple, the perfect date for me would be me cooking dinner someone coming over on a nice soothing rain night movies and wine. See simple lol. Hopeless romantic others might say.

Ideal Match

That's pretty simple too. I'm looking for some who is more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside. I'm not all about the looks here. I fall in love with people on how they treat me and their family. I'm big on family and would love for her to be as well. All I'm looking for is someone whose not afraid to build and start a new beginning with someone you see yourself with.

Profile Details

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Lipstick Lesbian
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Want kids

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