• TheLoquaciousType

  • 27, Single, Bisexual Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


TheLoquaciousType has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious, Pansexuals
  • Ages 18-26
  • For friendship, casual hookups

My Story

Hey! My latest reader!
My name is Alex. I have a strange past (yeah, don't we all) and I'm trying to find some people to add to my experience of leaving all of that behind. Every little bit counts.
I drink coffee, I sleep late, I get manic episodes and rushes of anxiety, I hate mayonnaise and I'm kind of scared of water. Not much else, though. I smoke from a water pipe.
I'm a good cook, I'm a wallflower, I strongly discourage bad habits and try to give input on all information I'm told. I care a hell of a lot about everyone. I'm shocked by rudeness and people being inconsiderate so js I will call u out quietly if you u either of those things

I curse so fucking much.

My hair is really, really long.

I'm in a long distance relationship, very in love, and my partner encourages my desire to explore myself. Really.

I love gardening and drawing and reading and sitting in bed.

Thanks for reading, I suck at talking about myself.

Profile Details

Identify As
Chapstick Lesbian, Stone Butch, Not a Stereotype
Body Type
Hair Color
5'1" (155cm)
Eye Color

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