I'm Looking For
- Lesbians
- Ages 28-33
- For friendship, dating
My Story
Who am I?
My first answer would probably be my name.
But, my name does not describe who I am on the inside.
I could then give the title of my profession.
But that is what I do.
I could then tell you I am a mother, a sister, and a daughter.
But those are my relationships.
I ask again, who am I?
I could describe myself as an extrovert and outgoing.
That is my personality.
I am organized in planning events.
But that is a gift God has given me.
I could describe my appearance, but that is not who I am either.
I am who I am
growing and changing
as an individual should
don't like it
don't blame you
you have your own HELL to live
Ideal Match
So many times I have believed what others say I am.
If I receive affirmation, then I feel worthwhile.
However, when I receive criticism, then I feel like a failure.
I have chosen to ride the roller coaster of emotions, Instead of believing the truth of what about me.
I have tried to work harder to prove that I am worthwhile.
Yet every time I mess up or fail, I am reminded that I will never measure up.
I will never be pretty enough or talented enough.
I will never be thick enough or do enough good things for you..I will never be a good enough wife or sister or daughter.
But, I keep trying harder and harder.
I believe the lie that if I continue to try harder, I will finally be "good" enough.
Stop trying so hard to prove yourself to others. Get your worth from me.
I've already given it to you.
Remember my grace.
It's a free gift and nothing you can achieve by trying
Profile Details
- Identify As
- Chapstick Lesbian