• amanda4real

  • 37, Single, Lesbian Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


amanda4real has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians
  • Ages 40-65
  • For long term, dating

My Story

I am a positive woman and consider myself to be understanding and loving. I feel ready for the experiments and trying new things. I like to make other people happy. I like life as it is. I try never to be boring or sad and use only bright colors painting my world. I am loyal, warm-hearted and sympathetic by nature. I always smile, even in difficult times. I am romantic and optimistic. I think that love is about giving and taking, supporting and making your partner feel safe, both individually and in the relationship. So, I do miss that special woman with whom we could lighten up this world with our love. I never waste my time as I always have something to do. I like to spend my free time with my kid. I will tell you more during our future communication.

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Pillow Queen
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