• belles

  • 44, Single, Lesbian Manassas, Virginia
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


belles has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious
  • Ages 33-60
  • For long term

My Story

I am honest, dependable, loving, gentle, affectionate and have good friendship. and i free a woman she is supposed to be loved, reverenced, protected, respected, and cherished..I enjoy the outdoors, esp the beach. Walking on the beach at night,waves crashing restlessly, a million stars in the sky,, ahhh perfect for me. I also like dining out, plays, movies, art.Im pretty flexible as far as activities..I like fishing,camping,reading,going to the movies,hanging around with friends,cracking jokes,listening to music,dancing, and also spending time with someone interesting

Ideal Match

What am I looking for, well that's kind of hard for me to say. First and for most I am looking for someone that is honest true and faithful, with a good heart and enjoys doing some of the things I do. Someone that is woman enough to stick out good times , bad times, hard times, is always there no matter what may happen.That will let me be me and if that means letting use their should to cry on once in a while. Some one that is not controlling, abusive, or always having to be in charge. Someone that is willing to meet you half way and wants to join their live with mine. Someone who is romantic, passionate, caring but yet will sup rise you sometimes for no reason. I am a nature nut, I love the outdoors, my flowers building thing, swimming etc.

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