• ivysnyder

  • 26, Single, Lesbian Three Springs, Pennsylvania
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


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I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians
  • Ages 18-27
  • For long term, dating, casual hookups

My Story

My name is Ivy, currently 19 and have no kids. I would like to have kids later on. Mainly focusing on the future and seeing where it leads me. I'm more laid back and calm. Not one to get into fights or open her mouth much. Just looking for the right person for my life, had a hard time dating. Cause no one around where I live really accepts lesbians so I'm like the first one in my area. I love having fun and do stuff. Like going to the movies and reading books. Also more of a jeans and shirt person but every now and then I'll wear a dress and do my makeup. Tend to be shy at first but once you know me I'll never shut up.

Ideal Match

My ideal match is someone a little bit taller than me. I don't really care what races, hair color or eye color. Honestly to me if you truly treat me right I won't say anything. I do tend to like girls with a bigger butt. Also looking for one that would appericate me for who I am.

Profile Details

Identify As
Lipstick Lesbian, Chapstick Lesbian, Soft Butch
Body Type
Hair Color
5'1" (155cm)
Eye Color
Not Political
Want kids

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