• jenrose420

  • 36, Married, Bisexual Hampton, Virginia
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


jenrose420 has not entered any interests yet.

I'm Looking For

  • Bisexuals
  • Ages 18-30
  • For friendship, long term, dating

My Story

I'm not good at this... Hopefully you can bare with me.
Alright where do I start? I'm 26 and a married, mother of soon to be 3. (If kids are not your thing, keep moving to the next profile) I'm not one to talk about myself that much so the best way to get a summary of me, is to meet me and get to know me.
I love to cook, it's what I do.
Get to know me and I can guarantee you won't regret it.

If you care to learn more about me, feel free to message me or add me on facebook.

What I’m doing with my life :
Being a mommy, and living my life the best way I can...with my family.

I’m really good at :
Making people smile.
Loving others. (maybe sometimes too much)

The first things people usually notice about me :
Maybe you should meet me and tell me what it is. :)

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food :
I don't read all that often. I am a BIG movie buff though. I'm addicted

Ideal Match

Someone who is open and honest. Someone who is real about their feelings and isn't afraid to show affection. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they make me think they don't deserve it anymore. I want someone who is willing to put as much effort into the relationship as I am.

Profile Details

Identify As
Not a Stereotype
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Not Political
Yes, live with me

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