• mobetta

  • 45, Married, Bisexual Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Bisexuals
  • Ages 25-35
  • For friendship, dating

My Story

I am interested in a girlie girl for I am girlie as well. Someone I can have fun with, exercise with, and cuddle with. Having your bae and friend all in one is the best of both worlds!! I am not superficial; however, I love beautiful women externally as well as internally. A good person with a great spirit, positive energy and a beautiful face is what will attract my attention.

Ideal Match

Someone I can have fun with, exercise with, and cuddle with. An intellectual person that I can comfortably converse, laugh and enjoy life with. A fun blast in a glass type of girl. Having your bae and friend all in one is the best of both worlds!! I am not superficial; however, I love beautiful women externally as well as internally. A good person with a great spirit, positive energy and a beautiful face is what will attract my attention.

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