• nicole31

  • 40, Single, Bisexual St Louis, Missouri
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Bisexuals
  • Ages 21-41
  • For friendship, dating, casual hookups

My Story

I am mother with two kids a boy and girl.I am a real women that know what she wants.I love my kids very much and I put them frist.I look for that one for me...I was with men that was not right for years.now I want a women that I can be her friend,and lover.I want something new in my life .

Ideal Match

I want a sexy women that know what she want .and have goals .a women that speaking her mind,and a women that love her self like a queen.and if have kids take care of her kids.and women like out going.and a women that I can listen to her ...and be there as a friend and lover.and a women that down with me and I am down with her

Profile Details

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Pillow Queen
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