• taylor_34

  • 27, Single, Bisexual Eldred, Pennsylvania
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious
  • Ages 18-22
  • For friendship, long term, dating, casual hookups

My Story

I live in a small town and as far as life goes, I'm very limited. My family doesn't know that I'm bisexual and I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it that way. My family is a little old fashioned so I know they will reject me. I've discreetly asked them about it before and they said they would shun any gays/lesbians/bisexuals in our family if there turned out to be one. Because I live in a small town, my choices for romance and friendship are limited. I have one friend who I've told I'm bisexual and she has accepted me for who I am. I'm lonely and wish to find other women who will accept me but on a romance level. I know I'm young but I've very mature for my age and want to find happiness. As far as friends go, I'm pretty open minded. I don't mind just sitting around doing nothing. I also don't mind going bowling or watching movies.

Ideal Match

I don't really think I have an ideal match. I want somebody who will accept my love and then love me in return. The rest doesn't really matter to me.

Profile Details

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Not Political
Not Religious

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