• tinkerbunny

  • 33, Other, Bisexual Lexington, Virginia
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Lesbians, Bisexuals, Bicurious
  • Ages 18-28
  • For friendship, casual hookups

My Story

I'm not looking for anything long term. I love the way the female body looks and enjoy having fun with them. Saying this I am in a committed relationship with a guy who knows of my interest in women and encourages it. He does not have to be involved with us in any way....but if you want to maybe we could set something up ;)

Ideal Match

I like a woman my size or smaller but not too small. Someone I can hang out with and talk to as well as get freaky with.

Profile Details

Body Type
Big and Tall
Hair Color
Eye Color

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